ServiceDrive VFD

Ask the Wire Experts:



Which Cable Jacket

Should I Choose?

Copper Line Break





Cable jackets are the outer layer of cables, protecting the conductors physically from environmental factors like chemicals, fire, and cold temperatures. Service Wire offers three jacket types that cover nearly every specification and application:


PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

Most common and affordable option. 

Offers good abrasion and chemical resistance.

Releases toxic gases (e.g., chlorine) when exposed to fire.


CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene)

Offers better chemical, fire, and abrasion resistance than PVC.

More flame-resistant than PVC.

Popular in industries like oil & gas, food & beverage, and automotive.


LSZH (Low Smoke Zero Halogen)

Superior fire resistance: can resist burning for a long period of time and releases minimal smoke & toxic gases during a fire.

Ideal for enclosed spaces (e.g., data centers, offices) where safety and human health are priorities.

More expensive than PVC and CPE but offers critical safety benefits in places with a lot of cabling or people.



Selecting the right cable jacket is crucial for both safety and the longevity of your cable. Each material offers different levels of protection and benefits that make them suitable for a variety of applications.

Always consider the specific environmental factors that may affect your installation and select a jacket accordingly.


A cable jacket serves as an outer protective layer that provides physical protection, environmental protection (from weather, water, & chemicals), and additional durability.

When it comes to jacket materials, compound selection matters. Service Wire uses three of the most popular jackets: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE), and Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH). Each of these compounds offer unique benefits that make them suitable for different applications.



PVC, a thermoplastic compound, is the most popular and inexpensive material for cable jackets. It is suitable for commercial, industrial, and utility applications where cables will not be subjected to fire, corrosive chemicals, or abrasions.

When chloride-based PVC is burned, it releases toxic gases such as chlorine that can harm humans and damage nearby equipment.

The excessive heavy smoke produced by burning PVC can make it difficult to navigate indoor spaces during a fire—making it less than ideal for tight spaces or commercial and industrial buildings with large amounts of cable.

As a plastic compound, PVC hardens as it cools. This can lead to performance issues during cold weather. With a cold temperature rating of -25°C and a typical installation temperature above 10°C , it can get rigid and brittle, making it prone to breakage.


CPE is a higher performance jacket than PVC. It has excellent resistance to chemical exposure and are designed for applications where extra protection, durability, and chemical washdown are required. CPE is less susceptible to low temperature brittleness than PVC.

CPE jackets are most popular in oil & gas and automotive commercial and industrial settings. CPE is also used in food & beverage applications where facilities and equipment are subject to frequent chemical washdown to maintain cleanliness standards. 


Thermoset LSZH jackets are designed to reduce flame, smoke, and secondary damage in case of fire. They can resist burning for extended periods of time and are chloride-free, making them less toxic when burned.

This distinguishing characteristic makes them ideal for applications where protecting property and human safety is essential. For example, enclosed spaces like data centers, tunnels, airports, and offices that have large amounts of cabling throughout their structure can use LSZH to reduce the risk of harm to people in those spaces.

When PVC burns it releases chlorine, which can cause injury or even death if inhaled. If this chlorine mixes with water, it can form hydrochloric acid—adding further danger for people and nearby equipment. Although LSZH jackets have a higher cost than other materials, the reduction of risk to people and equipment can be worth the investment.



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Copper Line Break

Choosing the proper cable jacket for your project is essential for protecting your investment. Although any jacket offers some physical protection for the inner conductors, each material varies in the specific type and degree of protection it offers.

When specifying cable, always consider environmental factors that might impact your installed cable and choose a jacket accordingly. Reach out to one of Service Wire’s experts today and get the right wire & cable for your next project.  

To learn more about jacket selection, sign up for our Service Wire Academy course "Introduction to Tray Cable".




Jacketed Tray Cable


TC-ER Rated

  • XHHW-2 Inner Conductors
    Colored, Numbered, or Striped Conductors

Dual Rated 600V/1kV or 2kV
#14 AWG - 750 Kcmil
2-37 Conductors
Tinned or Non-Tinned
Shielded or Non-Shielded
PVC, ServiceCPE®, or EnviroPLUS® Jacket

XHHW-2/PVC VFD Jacketed MC Cable


VFD Jacketed MC Cable

  • RHW-2/CPE
    2,000 Volt Copper

#14 AWG - 750 Kcmil
PVC, ServiceCPE®, or EnviroPLUS® Jacket

Jacketed MC


Flexible Interlocked Type MC (UL 1569)

  • XHHW-2 Inner Conductors
    Colored, Numbered, or Striped Conductors

#14 AWG - 750 Kcmil
2-37 Conductors
120V and 480V Color Codes
50% Ground
PVC, ServiceCPE®, or EnviroPLUS® Jacket


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